Hi folks, You have the Hunger to Unleash your Power!
One last gasp of the year 2022, I have upgraded, attained and achieved my Master Health & Wellness Coaching certificate today.
It’s official, I am the certified Master Health & Wellness Coach!
Thanks everyone for all the support for the past year. It has been a learning year for me and I am looking forward to sharing more content and stuff to you all whenever I am available in the coming year.
Wishing everyone a healthier, wealthier and better 2023!
#Health&Wellness #LastGasp #LifelongLearning #Health #Wealth #Blessed #Appreciation #Better2023

The certification Health & Wellness Coach which I have attained in 2021 last year has expired. I decided to take the exam again and renew it.
As the festive season is around the corner and December is a busy month for me with work, training and social activities like catch-ups and gathering with friends, it was quite overwhelming.
In addition, after going through the American Sports & Fitness Association (ASFA) website, I have the sudden hunger and desire to try to upgrade to the Master Health & Wellness Coaching certification.
It has a total of 150 questions and requires a minimum of 70 percent to pass the exam.
I told myself that no matter what, I must attain it by the end of December 2022.
This became my final goal for 2022.
Days have passed and it was Christmas Day and I realized I have not started to read through or should I say listen through the notes yet.
I had the flu and cough a few days back and am still hanging on. Luckily, it was negative on the Antigen Rapid Test and not covid-19 related. So I continue to work and attend activities.
During this period, I was tired physically and psychologically.
The thought of “Hey, why not take the exam next year in 2023 instead?” came to mind.
Then I told myself I must fulfill what I have set, the goal of attaining the certified Master Health & Wellness Coach certification by end of December 2022.
Disciplined myself and postponed my social activities, I took two days to prepare and took the exam online on the afternoon of 31 December 2022. When I submitted the exam, the next thing I heard from my screen reader of my laptop was something like, “Congratulations, your score is 81% and you have passed the test.”
I was happy, relieved and continued with the lifetime renewal option.
So lesson learned, if you set a goal you must really have the hunger and go for it. Discipline yourself and tell yourself that I must start taking action and get going.
Remember, You have the Hunger to Unleash your Power!
Contact and Book Steve to Speak and share more on Health & Wellness.