Steve Tee (born Tee Wee Leong 29 July 1981), is a visually challenged individual who suffered from an eye condition called Retinitis Pigmentosa.
The eye condition did not stop him from pursuing his goals and dreams in life. Steve graduated with a double major Bachelor degree in Information Technology, majoring in Computer Security and Network Administration & Design.
Upon graduating, he also attained the certified Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP), Microsoft Certified System Administrator (MCSA) and Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MCSE) certifications.
Steve is a Paralympian Tandem Cyclist, Specialist, certified Life Coach, certified Master Health & Wellness Coach and a Motivational Public Speaker.
He is the first Singapore athlete ambassador for worldwide Olympic and Paralympic partner team Bridgestone.
He is the Singapore Disability Sports Council’s Sportsman (Resilience) of the Year 2021 award winner.
He is one of the Goh Chok Tong Enable Award (GCTEA) UBS Promise 2021 awardee.
As a motivational public speaker, he always emphasized the power of hunger to encourage and empower people to overcome their adversity in life.
Steve likes to use his catch phrase, “You have the Hunger to Unleash your Power!” to encourage and empower people to have the power to chase their dreams and achieve their goals.
Click here for Steve Tee’s Achievements
Click here for News & Articles featuring Steve Tee.
Steve Tee’s Quotes:
“Do not allow disability to disable your abilities.”
“If you are Hungry, you can conquer any Adversity and control your Destiny.”
“Pain is temporary. Do not allow pain to stop you from achieving your gains.”
“I may have lost my sight, but I have not lost my might to fight.”
“I may have lost my sight, but I have not lost my vision to reach my destination.”
“Do not allow setbacks to hold you back, bounce back from your setback to make a comeback.”
“Ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no journey far enough. Keep believing and keep chasing, your dream will come true.”
“I don’t see opportunities, I seize them.”
“To achieve health and wellness, you need to exercise well, eat well, social well and sleep well.”
“No one is differently abled, everyone has the abilities to make a difference.”
“Don’t wait to be great to make a difference, start to make a difference to be great.”
“Your passion is the relation to your vision and mission in life.”
“When life knocks you down, get up, stand up and don’t give up.”
“Kindness is like sunshine, it radiates and resonates with everyone.”
“Accessibility enables everyone to access the possibilities.”
Steve Tee has conducted talks and workshops in many schools, universities, companies and at corporate events.
Contact and book Steve for personal or group talks.
You have the Hunger to Unleash Your Power!